AGM Election of COM Members

At the 2021 RFPA AGM held at the NSW Parliament House on 14th December 2021, the following Members were elected by secret ballot to the Executive positions of the RFPA… President – Paul WynneSecretary – Ian LovellSenior Vice-President – George WeisselJunior Vice-President – John CrockettTreasurer – Bruce HoweWelfare Officer – Ian Moore David BuckleyAllan SimpsonSteve…

New RFPA Logo

Here it is… the first look at the new Retired & Former Police Association logo hot off the press and displayed at the Committee of Management meeting on 22nd October 2019.

Got an interesting story for the RFPA Gazette?

Do you have an interesting story or article about your Police career or, life after the Job suitable for publishing in the Quarterly RFPA Gazette? Drop our Gazette Editor Paul Wynne an email (with or without pictures) and if it is considered newsworthy it might get published. Paul Wynne – Gazette Editor :

Have your contact details changed?

If you have changed any of your RFPA Membership details… Address, contact number, email or anything else? Please let your branch Secretary know, or if you are on the Unattached List… spear an email to the State Secretary. If you are unsure whether your branch Secretary has your correct details… send them an email. Some…

Two Websites in One

With the recent name change of the RPA to the RFPA, the COM decided to keep the domain name which points to this, the new RFPA website. But we’ve also decided, to make it easier for all of us, to register the domain name So… if you want to access this new RFPA…

Welcome to the new RFPA Website

We have a new name … Retired & Former Police Association (RFPA) and now a brand new website for the benefit of all Members. Please come back often and visit the site to see what’s new and let your mates know about the new site.