Brisbane and Northern Suburbs Branch of the RFPA.NSW
Branch Chairman/Secretary : Steve Turner
Email : Click here to email Secretary
Some minor changes from January 2025:
From January 2025: Unless otherwise informed, our Mid week lunches will be on the odd month, on the 1st Tuesday of that month at various locations from 11.30am for a 12 noon lunch.
From February 2025: Unless otherwise informed, our Bi-Monthly Meetings will be on the even month, on the 1st Saturday of that month in the Precinct Restaurant at the Norths Leagues and Services Club, 1347 Anzac Ave Kallangur, QLD 4503 from 10.45am followed by a lunch at the same venue from 11:30am.
IPA, Any RFPA member, partners, friends and QRPA are most welcome to attend.
All information and updates will continued to be available on our Brisbane and Northern Suburbs webpage on the RFPA NSW website and also sent to members email and posted on our Brisbane and Northern Suburbs RFPA Facebook.
Steve Turner
Chairman and Secretary
Brisbane and Northern Suburbs RFPA
Ph: 0409443830
Hi everyone
RSVP is appreciated if attending for Meeting & Lunch please a.s.a.p PRIOR to the 5.4.25 so I can make sure there is enough chairs.
Our April meeting and lunch will also be our AGM where all positions will formally be declared vacant.
No voting will be required unless any positions are being contested but Financial RFPA members, including Associate members, are encouraged to apply if interested, even if it is just on the general committee where we can always have more, and applications can be sent to me by email by
the 29.3.25.
The meeting and AGM will commence at 10am(sharp) in the Precinct Restaurant at Norths Leagues and Services Club 1347 Anzac Ave Kallangur, QLD 4503 followed by lunch at the same venue from 11.30am.
Committee Members for Current Period 2024/5 and all are standing for re-election for the 2025/6 Period:
Chairperson: Steve Turner
Vice Chairperson: Merv Melling
Secretary: Steve Turner
Assistant Secretary: Not Filled at this time
Treasurer: Ken Fogarty
Welfare Officer: Marilyn Fiddis
Assistant Welfare Officer: Not filled at this time.
Police Chaplins: Ian and Di Todd
Social Secretaries: Lynell Turner & Sally Matheson
Editor: Not Filled at this time
General Committee: Gerald Fiddis, Kerry Beggs
If you would like a copy of the previous minutes, then please let me know.
Steve Turner
Chairman and Secretary
Brisbane and Northern Suburbs RFPA
Ph: 0409443830
Hi everyone,
Further details will be provided closer to the date.
Our next meeting and lunch will also be our AGM where all positions will formally be declared vacant.
No voting will be required unless any positions are being contested but financial RFPA members, including Associate members, are encouraged to apply if interested and applications can be sent to me by email by the 29.3.25.
The meeting and AGM will commence at 10am(sharp) in the Precinct Restaurant at Norths Leagues and Services Club 1347 Anzac Ave Kallangur, QLD 4503 followed by lunch at the same venue from 11.30am.
Committee Members for Current Period 2024/5 and all are standing for re-election for the 2025/6 Period:
Chairperson: Steve Turner
Vice Chairperson: Merv Melling
Secretary: Steve Turner
Assistant Secretary: Not Filled at this time
Treasurer: Ken Fogarty
Welfare Officer: Marilyn Fiddis
Assistant Welfare Officer: Not filled at this time.
Police Chaplins: Ian and Di Todd
Social Secretaries: Lynell Turner & Sally Matheson
Editor: Not Filled
General Committee: Gerald Fiddis, Kerry Beggs
Steve Turner
Chairman and Secretary
Brisbane and Northern Suburbs RFPA
Ph: 0409443830