Welcome to the
Retired & Former Police Association of NSW Inc.
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Please NOTE – This is the website of the Retired & Former Police Association of NSW Inc. It is NOT the NSW Police Association website.

This means more reason to belong to the RFPA in addition to our core charter of providing Friendship, Fellowship and Welfare to our Members.
—->Click the Member Discounts menu option above to go to the <—-
RFPA Member Discounts menu
Membership is open to all former NSW Police Officers who left the NSW Police Force in good standing, regardless of length of service.
Police Widows, Widowers or Partners of former NSW Police Officers, Associate Members (Former Police of other Police Forces) and Social Members (Former Public Servants of the NSW Police Force and, other persons nominated by two RFPA Members) are also welcome to join at the
discretion of the RFPA Committee of Management.